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Mental Tips To Help You Ace Your Next Exam

Mental Tips To Help You Ace Your Next Exam

Test-PrepTips To Psych Up And Ace Your Next Athletic Training Exam
Your palms get sweaty, your heart races, and your mind goes blank – you know exactly how it feels to take an exam. Most people live their entire life being told that college determines the rest of their life. No big deal, right? Well, the pressure of doing well in school can play with our minds. About 20 percent of students have test anxiety and another 18 percent have moderately-high test anxiety. This stress hits as soon as you receive the test and can cause you to underperform or completely bomb the exam. However, there are things that you can do to strengthen your brain and stomp out the monsters of anxiety.
Avoid the overnighter and the cramming sessions
Your sports teachers have probably told you that you’ll never ace the test if you leave the studying all to one night. Although you might think this is a bunch of bologna, it’s scientifically proven. Research shows that distributed learning over time improves long-term retention more than short-period cramming. Scientists suggest that 20-50-minute increments of studying are ideal for retaining information. Therefore, you should distribute your studying and give yourself plenty of breaks in between each session.
Get a good night’s rest
As an athletic training student, you know just how important sleep is to physical performance. However, it’s time to practice what you preach and apply it to your tests. Rapid Eye Movement (REM) Sleep is associated with learning and memory and is an active process that heals the body and promotes repair and growth of the brain. Therefore, you should get at least eight hours of sleep the night before your exam. You may want to also rehearse and study your notes right before going to bed. This will help your brain cement the information and turn it into recallable memory as you sleep.
Eat a brain-boosting meal
Scientists have proven that you actually are what you eat.  A long-term study of over 4,000 men and women showed that antioxidants can improve cognitive function and memory. It improves recall for tests and can also reduce levels of stress. Therefore, if you eat a meal rich in antioxidants before an exam, you can fuel your brain and boost your mental energy. This includes blueberries, strawberries, beets, spinach, pecans, artichoke, cranberries, blackberries, and even dark chocolate.
Take a deep breath
Before your athletic training professor hands out the test, close your eyes. Then, take a deep breath and relax your muscles. Pause for a few moments to simply relax and think positive thoughts. Based on a study by the University of Toronto, a positive mood can improve a person’s visual cortex and cause it to absorb more information. So, encourage yourself and give your brain a break. You’ve worked hard and you’re about to ace your sports test!
Acing a test is all in your mind. If you train your brain, you’re sure to pass your sports exam with flying colors.


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