Provided by Mental Edge Athletics

Organizational Skills Can Boost Your Athletic Performance

Organizational Skills Can Boost Your Athletic Performance

Being actively involved in sport, regardless of your capacity, will require you to be as physically and mentally healthy as possible at all times. According to research conducted by the American Psychiatric Association, participating in organized sport can expose an athlete to a number of challenges that can make him more prone to stress and anxiety. Throw a disorganized lifestyle into the mix and watch how fast an immense amount of sporting talent can go to waste. Practicing effectual organization skills in all facets of your life will benefit your sporting performance in a number of ways by reducing your stress levels and encouraging you to get a good night’s sleep.

Organization can reduce your anxiety and stress

Far too often the most challenging opponents you face as an athlete are your own anxiety and stress that can severely hinder your performance.When you are stressed, your focus automatically shifts from a positive read-and-react mode to a far less-beneficial think-and-tense mode, clouding your judgment on the track or field significantly. If you naturally possess good organizational skills chances are you will be able to handle stressful situations a lot better. Research conducted by the University of California found that cortisol levels are significantly higher in individuals whose living spaces are messy whereas a well-organized, tidy room boosted serotonin levels which lead to increased positivity both on and off the field.

Being organized can help you eat better 

Good nutrition is of paramount importance for an athlete as it enhances both physical and mental performance on the field. Individuals who work and live in well-organized, tidy spaceshave been found to be more than twice as likely to snack on a fruit than a piece of candy according to a study published in Psychological Science. The reason behind this phenomenon is once again the stress caused by a disorderly environment which triggers a craving for comfort food. Unfortunately, giving in to these cravings can be of great detriment to an athlete as an excess of sugar and carbs in a diet can trigger a number of negative effects such as unwanted weight gain and sluggishness.By keeping your living spaces well-organized you will find yourself indulging in a healthier diet that will make you physically faster and stronger while keeping your mind focused and clear of pesky brain fog as well.

It improves your sleep

If there is one thing no athlete can function without it is sufficient sleep. Sleep is crucial for athletic performance yet many athletes fail to get a goodnight’s rest on a regular basis according to Dr Dave Geier, a sports medicine specialist in Charleston. While an average person may require no more than 8 hours of sleep a night, an athlete may be in need of an hour or two more. While there are many factors that contribute towards a good night’s rest, sleeping in a clean and tidy is one of the most important and easiest to control. A disorganized room can inadvertently lead to stress which can lead to a very detrimental bout of insomnia which can ruin your performance on the sports field completely. As you start decluttering, you will see your sleeping patterns and athletic performance improving significantly, helping you reach your full potential in all areas of your life.

Being an athlete can be tremendously stressful, even without the added stressors of daily life. By decluttering your life and ensuring that your living spaces are well-organized you will significantly reduce your stress levels and ensure that you always perform to the absolute best of your ability.

1 Comment

  1. That’s so fascinating that organization and planning prevent those environmental factors that create food cravings. I’d never thought of how that could affect my son’s sports performance until now. It’s nice to know we can discuss that with the doctor or trainer if we need to address his eating habits and cravings.

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